Payroll Services, Government Remittances, T4 and ROE Forms

All attestation and accounting services are carried out by our affiliated corporation, Omar Shawa Professional Corporation.

What we do


Payroll Services

The simple fact is that dealing with payroll isn’t that much easy. It requires time, effort and a whole lot of paperwork to make sure it is done correctly. Bros Professional Group can help make the payroll process simpler.


Payroll Processing

Payroll processing from Bros Professional Group offers on-time payments. We’ll make sure your staff is paid on-time either by direct deposit or cheque.

We will make sure all the Canada Pension Plan (CPP), Employment Insurance (EI), Income Tax and WSIB deductions are accurate and up to date.

Finally, with Bros Professional Group you’ll always know that the taxes and remittances have been taken care of and reported by us.

Photo of pay slips

Government Remittance

As a business grows, it must hire more employees, which can result in increased payroll administration. We can assist you in implementing the controls necessary to ensure a reliable, efficient and effective payroll system. Bros Professional Group can also help you develop a new payroll system and prepare all necessary payroll tax remittances in a timely manner.

If you don’t already have a HST number or a payroll number, we can help you register for one as well. we gives you the calmness that you are fulfilling your responsibilities as a business owner in regards to payroll and related benefits.

Photo of a tax form

T4 Preparation and ROE Forms

Preparing your T4 documents to submit to your staff and the CRA could be stressful . Even one little mistake can mean big fines and penalties for your business or employees. That’s a lot of pressure, especially considering you’re probably not an expert at this sort of thing.

Bros Professional Group is the right expert at all things T4-related, and we can help prepare everything you need. If you’ve ever taken a look at how to fill out and file your company’s T4 information, you know just how difficult it can be. Not only that, but rules are constantly changing, so just because you were up to speed last year doesn’t mean this year will be the same.

With T4 preparation and ROE Forms from Bros Professional Group, you’ll be able to rest easy knowing your documents are filled out and filed correctly. No more worrying about penalties or having to do something over again. We’ll make sure you get it done and get it done right

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